A Big Deal For Auto Dealership

Connecting Auto Dealership With Their Goals

A car dealership is a big business that needs vast connections. We understand how challenging it is for auto dealers to handle the extreme amount of competition and to communicate to a bigger audience, especially with the younger generations.

People nowadays are living in a fast paced society, demanding rapid responses and services. Auto dealers need a more effective way to communicate with their customers because phone calls are too time-consuming and frustrating. And it's often damaging to auto dealership companies' reputation.

Boardwalk Acura, an auto dealership company, needs to step-up their game. Their phone lines are like a valuable, heavily invested well-oiled machine that they can't just abandon in order to catch up with the advancing technology of communication. However, they need an efficient, popular, and widely used communication channel. And that is where itext.io works its magic.

Start The Engine Cause Text Messaging Is The Key

According to the J.D. Power 2017 U.S. Customer Service Index Study, about 41% of Gen Y and Gen X customers prefer text messaging as a mode of communicating with dealerships.

Increased Accessibility & Effectiveness

Text messaging is popularly used around the globe. Almost everyone is equipped with a device capable of sending and receiving text messages, which they mostly carry with them all the time.

With itext.io’s patent-pending technology, Boardwalk Acura’s existing phone lines will be text-enabled, allowing them to connect with a much larger audience via text to provide a more efficient and convenient engagement for both customers and auto dealers.With a significantly high open rate and response rate, auto dealer scan ensure an effective result from their campaigns

Enhanced Customer Service Satisfaction

Customers don't like to call and being put on hold, but you can fix that with a new SMART phone line.

itext.io’s Enhanced Messaging Platform eliminates potential barriers and hold time allowing customers to ask for inventory availability, appointments, and repair requests in a way that is most convenient for them. Auto dealers can engage and interact with clients discreetly with less friction and misunderstanding, creating better relationship with their customers that boosts satisfaction and loyalty.

Improved Efficiency Reduce Cost

Text messaging is a lot cheaper than phone calls and it provides amore efficient and convenient experience for both your customers and your business.

itext.io's Enhanced Messaging Platform allows car dealers to handle multiple transactions at once. It enables them to engage and interact with clients effectively and provide faster solutions and service.

More Personalized Promotion

Personalization is an effective method to catch the customers’ interest and build a relationship with them on an emotional level.

Car dealers can send a more personalized campaign by organizing and grouping customer contacts in itext.io’s interactive web console which can be accessed through their mobile devices or computer.

Auto Dealership’s Newly Enhanced Landlines can

  • Provide Direction To Dealership

  • Distribute Car Information

  • Send Test Drive Schedules

  • Send Appointment Service Schedules

  • Drive Traffic To Dealership
    With Text Promotions

  • Send a Thank You Message

  • Conduct Surveys and Polls

With itext.io, Boardwalk Acura were able to reach more audience, increase sales, provide better customer service, and build a trustworthy relationship with their clients, increasing customer loyalty. With just a quick and simple upgrade on their existing phone lines, they were able to start their engine and driven the road to success.

Your Business Could Be Next In Line For Success!

Don’t let your business miss out. Gain the competitive edge now and upgrade your current phone lines today to enjoy the benefits of a new SMART landline.

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